Six Hills Forest Partnership
AGM - Accounts
24 July 2001

Notice of Annual General Meeting

The 2001 AGM of the Partnership will be held at our office, Leinster House (above the 'Little India' restaurant), 158 Leinster Rd beginning at 5.00 pm on Wednesday the 8th of August 2001.
The formal business of the AGM will be :-

a) To receive and consider the financial statements and Auditor's report for the Partnership's year ending 31 December 2000; and

b) To discuss and consider the previous and current years' Work Schedules and Budgets, together with any reports of the Forestry Consultant and Management Committee;

c) Election or re-election of the Management Committee.
If you wish to stand for the Committee you should attend the meeting in person or by proxy.


If you are not able to, or do not wish to attend the AGM, but would like to delegate your right to vote or speak to another person, you may do so in accordance with clause 3 of Schedule 1 to the Partnership Deed. (There is a copy of the Deed in your copy of the Prospectus). Please post or fax or email proxies to me at our office at least 48 hours in advance of the AGM.

2000 Accounts & Tax Credits

Enclosed is a copy of the latest audited financial statements. You should have already received your Taxable Loss & RWT Certificate and you will note the same figures are listed at the back of the financial statements.

If you have any queries about anything, or want more information, please don't hesitate to contact me at any time.

Charles Etherington
Manager for the Partnership Committee

Warren Forestry Ltd, New Zealand forestry investment provider
Warren Forestry Ltd, New Zealand forestry investment providerWarren Forestry Ltd, New Zealand forestry investment providerWarren Forestry Ltd, New Zealand forestry investment provider